Ihunt Home Wifi Smart Circuit Breaker With Metering 2P 32A Siguranta Automata Inteligenta Cu Contorizare
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Cumpara La Oferta LtPGtLtImg Src=QuotHttpsWww.Ihunt.RoImageDataProducts_2021IhuntSmartIhunt.JpgQuotGtLtPGt LtBrGt LtDiv Style=QuotBorder 3Px Solid Black Padding 8Px TextAlign CenterQuotGt LtH2 Style=QuotMargin 0PxQuotGtLtFont Color=QuotFf0000QuotGtLtBGtLtSpan Style=QuotFontSize 18PxQuotGtLtA Href=QuotHttpsWww.Ihunt.RoImageDataIhunt20Home20AppIhunthome1.3.3R2_Google_Play_International.ApkQuot Target=Quot_BlankQuotGt Descarca AmpNbspAplicatia AmpNbspIhunt Home LtAGtLtSpanGtLtBGtLtFontGtLtH2Gt LtDivGt LtBrGt LtPGtLtStrongGtSiguranta Automata Inteligenta Cu Contorizare Ihunt Home Wifi Smart Circuit Breaker With Metering 2P 32ALtStrongGtLtPGt LtPGtLtImg Src=QuotHttpsWww.Ihunt.RoImageDataProducts_2021IhuntSiguranteInteligentePrezentare1Met2P32A.JpgQuotGtLtPGt LtPGtLtStrongGtCaracteristiciLtStrongGtLtPGt LtPGtComanda Prin Internet Prin AplicatiaAmpNbspIhunt Home AppLtPGt LtPGtPoli 2 (1P+N)LtPGt LtPGtContorizare DaLtPGt LtPGtTensiune Intrare 120V230V CaLtPGt LtPGtTensiune Iesire 120V230V CaLtPGt LtPGtCurent 32ALtPGt LtPGtStandard Wifi Ieee 802.11 BNG 2.4G HzLtPGt LtPGtTemperatura De Functionare 25°C To +65°CLtPGt LtPGtUmiditate 5 ~ 95,AmpNbspFara CondensLtPGt LtPGtLtImg Src=QuotHttpsWww.Ihunt.RoImageDataProducts_2021IhuntSiguranteInteligentePrezentare2Met2P.JpgQuotGtLtPGt LtPGtLtImg Src=QuotHttpsWww.Ihunt.RoImageDataProducts_2021IhuntSiguranteInteligentePrezentarePhoneImages.JpgQuotGtLtPGt LtPGtLtIframe Allow=QuotAccelerometer Autoplay EncryptedMedia Gyroscope PictureInPictureQuot Allowfullscreen=QuotQuot Frameborder=Quot0Quot Height=Quot300Quot Src=QuotHttpsWww.Youtube.ComEmbedN6Mc_Bpga8Quot Width=Quot100QuotGtLtIframeGtLtPGt
Cauti Ihunt Home Wifi Smart Circuit Breaker With Metering 2P 32A Siguranta Automata Inteligenta Cu Contorizare de Black Friday ?
Magazin online cu produse de la iHunt din categoria HOME & SMARTHOME la preturi mici si oferta de nerefuzat.
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Vandut de Brand / Magazin : iHunt, ihunt.ro
Categoria / subcategorie : HOME & SMARTHOME / „”
Produs adaugat : 2023-04-30 00:08:06 UTC
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